"My dancing is freaky?"

My Guinness Hat!

The Cliffs of Moher aka my only non-drunk picture in this post.

I've had the BEST time in Ireland. Dublin was incredible. To start off with, Jane (a friend I met at Sasquatch last year) graciously invited me and my sister to stay with her. Her apartment is huge, and we got a real bed, and a real shower, and real hospitality. She was so nice...she even picked us up and dropped us off when we went sightseeing! Unbelieveable. She made our trip to Dublin so much nicer than if we had stayed in a grimy Dublin hostel the whole time. I owe her a gallon of chili con queso dip and a taco bell feast to last the ages (all food she can't get in Ireland, that we share a mutual passion for).
We cavorted and gallivanted around Dublin for 3 days, and although we saw a lot of the city, I can't really say we DID much...except drink. Oh man, did we drink. We even went to the Guiness Factory, which I actually enjoyed. I've never drank Guiness before this trip, but it's so delicious over here! I'm not sure I want to try it back in the states though, because I have the feeling that the reason it's so good is because of how fresh it is. I drank SOOOO much of it over here.
We went out every night in Dublin, and i'll tell you...the Irish can drink. We got wasted every night. There was live music at almost every bar, and they were these little "irish" bands with fiddles and traditional drums and whatnot, but whenever I would shout out "WONDERWALL!!!!", they would always play it for me. I sure love me some Oasis! It was great. Then there was this song called "Wild Rover" that I had to sing the chorus to the bartender to actually find out what the name was...then I scurried back up to the band and screamed out my request (even though they were about 5 feet away), and they played it and everyone in the bar was singing and drunk. The thing is...i'm pretty sure "wild rover" is an irish song...but I have the feeling it's just one of those songs that drunk tourists like and request. Whatever.
While we were all singing along, I yelled at my sister and our friend Nadha..."We have to sway to this song and slosh our beer glasses around!". Only problem? We had already finished our beer. What a dilemma! We obviously didn't have enough time to go back up and order more beer while our favorite song was playing...so...solution? The only reasonable thing to do was to steal people's half finished drinks on the bar just so we could wave them around and crash them into other people's glasses. It was so much fun.
After all the drunk pub singing, we headed to a club to dance our drunk little hearts out. As you can see in the above picture, I came to the obvious conclusion that my sexiest move is the robot. But you knew that already.
Finally when the club closed, randomly these irish people took a shining to us (i guess?) and invited us back to their place for a house party. We said why not? and took a taxi with them...the party was pretty fun. My favorite part was when I got to wear a fake mustache. Apparently my sister was trying to get me to take it off but I refused. I think i look goooooood. Eventually we were so drunk, and sleepy (it was about 4 in the morning), so we took a cab ride back to Jane's and fell in bed and didn't wake up till noon the next day.
The last couple days have been filled with sightseeing and driving. We went from Dublin to Galway, but I was sick so I don't have much to say about that city, then from Galway we rented a car (scariest thing ever driving on the left side of the road in a manual car!) and have been driving around the irish countryside. We went around the Dingle peninsula (that name tickles me), then around the Ring of Kerry today. Gorgeous green pastures, stormy beaches and sheep wandering around everywhere...sigh...it's just what you would think Ireland would be like. I loved it.
Tomorrow morning we fly back to London and then? Well gosh darn! In 3 days (the 18th) I fly home sweet home.