1. If you're traveling in a country that you don't know the language of, get ready to be silent 24 hours a day. Most days, I don't open up my mouth except to mutter out disjointed questions or "excuse me" (in whichever language applies) so I can get by whatever person is blocking the way of my house of a suitcase.
2. Unless you're ready to make an effort...I mean REALLY make an effort to meet people EVERY day, prepare to spend most nights (and days) completely alone, surrounded by groups of people laughing and talking that already knew each other before they came to the hostel. I deal with it by being the creeper in the corner with a paintbrush.
3. The only way you meet people is when everyone is drunk or drinking.
4. Most people you meet are assholes.
5. No one is better than your friends at home.
When me and my sister were traveling together, we had the best time...seriously. Besides having each other, it was supremely easy to meet people, and a lot less stressful cause when you got in bad situations, at least you had someone at your side. I practically have a panic attack every time I get lost at night (and it happens a lot). I think a part of it too is that we were traveling in the summer as well, when EVERYONE else in the world is traveling, so everyone is young and free-spirited and like minded and ready to have a good time. It's so rare to meet travelers (particularly travelers that speak english) during the winter season. Of course: cause who in their right minds would WANT to travel in the miserable cold? I know I don't.
Sorry if this is depressing (I know it is) and pathetic (I know it is), but it's how I feel. Most days, I barely smile. It feels weird when I do. I don't even have a picture to show you guys, cause today I was in Zaragoza, and I sat in front of this giant spanish palace/cathedral thingy, and it was incredible, but I didn't even want to draw it. I'm bored of drawing! I'm not inspired right now, and that's the worst part. I need the depression to fuel the art, but right now all I want to do is hibernate in a warm cuddly bed with my love and the latest episode of the office and a meal of smartfood popcorn and taco bell hot sauce.
I realize most people reading this post will say: Oh my god, shut up, stop whining, you're in fucking europe for god's sake! I'm not saying that I haven't had good times...and the countries are amazing, of course! But don't judge me until you've spent 2 months by yourself with no one you know and no lasting contact with people over 2 weeks (egypt tour). Please don't judge.
You could have taken a picture of your sad face at least! The post right before this was so happy. It's cold here too. And I'm not doing anything fun but working. Your not missing out.
if anyone thinks you're being a baby they're just dumbasses who don't know what they're talking about.
You're totally right...some days are good, some days are bad. And it's never easy to do it alone...and that's why i'm so proud of you. No one I know could do this...and you are! I can't wait to join you. :)
I love you Melinda. I realize this doesn't help a lot, but I feel your pain. Tacoma's a little lonely these days. Keep your head up, I can't wait to see you!!
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